Spectrum gives you and your attendees the convenience of easy access to all event information at any time, everywhere you go.
We develop custom event apps that let event planners easily share relevant event information with attendees, instantly. Designed with the busy event planner in mind, our event apps allow you to swiftly upload and communicate everything from agendas and downloads, to sponsorship information and much more. Say goodbye to endless print-outs of agendas, speaker bios or directions and say hello to event apps: your event in the palm of your hand.
Every Event Planner must-have an Event App
An App Designed Specifically for Meetings and Corporate Events
Our custom designed event apps are easily accessible on the go so all you need is an internet-enable device such as a Smartphone or tablet. On top of its simplicity is the design flexibility. The event apps can be designed to mirror your own branding, whilst also deciding which features and integrations you’d like included. Also the event apps are designed to work for you, by you. All content is 100% uploaded and managed by the event planner, allowing greater control over what documents are accessible with the added convenience of uploading when you need to.

Why Develop Your Event Management Apps With Us
Here are some useful ways our event apps can improve not only yours, but everyone’s event experience:
- Your attendees can enjoy the convenience of accessing key information wherever they are, when they need it.
- It presents key meeting information in a format common to all attendees on their Smartphone or internet-enabled device
- The flexible and responsive design in HTML5 allows you to easily create tailored event apps that mirror your branding, for no additional cost.
- Cumulus serves as a way-finding device with venue facility maps and Google map integration.
- Everybody wins! Your attendees don’t have to print endless documents whilst you enhance your event’s sustainability.
- Access insightful data about your attendees who use the app.

Additional Advantages
- Venue overview: Detailed hotel information, floor plans & venue map(s), Google map, facility description and facility photo.
- Agenda: Key meeting information, meeting topics by date & time, event detail, presentation content and speakers.
- Scheduling: Bookmarks for a personalised schedule, calendar integration & session feedback rating.
- Speaker information: Speaker profiles, photos, content and session listing.
- Links: Include links to key customer websites, live polling platforms, social media feeds, corporate websites, affiliate websites, meeting planner websites & partners/associations and more.
- Downloads: Upload important documents for attendees to download such as essential meeting materials, documents, bulletins, handout materials and agendas.
- Attendees: Include profiles on your attendees such as an event participant listing A-Z, attendee photo, attendee content and attendee profiles.
- Sponsors: A dedicated area for your sponsor information such as partner recognition areas, flexible rich text content, four sponsorship levels available, sponsorship messaging and Internet hyperlinks.
- Video: Clickable links to embedded video content from Vimeo, YouTube or your website.
- Exhibitors: A listing of exhibitors with logo, company information & stand number.